
Manage your microservice database using CouchBase

Grizzly API

Grizzly API provides to you the possibility to create a microservice based on CouchBase database using your bucket name


Grizzly API CLI

Added to Grizzly API, you can use your CLI to manage your CouchBase database using these commands

To create a database you can use this command :

   grizzly create datasource [-- <args>]

Arguments :
–name : to specify the name of the datasource (required)
–provider : to specify the datasource provider (Example COUCHDB)
–host : to specify the datasource host
–bucket : to specify the bucket name

Example :

   grizzly create datasource --name ProductsDB --host localhost --bucket travel-sample --provider COUCHDB

To update the name of a datasource you can use these commands :

   grizzly update datasource [-- <args>]

Arguments :
– name : to specify the name of the datasource to update
– new : to specify the new name

Example :

   grizzly update datasource  --name ProductsDB --new UsersDB

To delete a datasource you can use this command :

   grizzly delete datasource [-- <args>]

Arguments :
– name : to specify the name of the datasource to delete
Example :

   grizzly delete datasource  --name ProductsDB  

To show a specified datasource you can use this command :

   grizzly show datasource[-- <args>]

Arguments :
– name : to specify the name of the datasource to show

Example :

   grizzly show datasource --name ProductsDB