Design your endpoints

1- Create your first endpoint

Click on the Add Endpoint button.


a- Define your HTTP method, path and parameters

Choose your endpoint HTTP method from the dropdown list : GET, POST, PUT or DELETE.
Insert you endpoint path.


Click on the Add parameters button.
Choose the placement of your parameter: Header, Path, FormData or Query.
Insert its name and choose its type.
If your parameter is required, check the Required box.


After adding your parameters, a list will be displayed. You can edit or delete your added parameters.
Your parameter may appear on your endpoint path.


b- Set your request/response type and add models

You can specify the type of your request and response content alongside with the request/response body type (object or array).
You can also choose a model to attach with your endpoint.


You can add a model by using the online editor or by uploading a Typescript file.


c- Add HTTP response codes

You can also add HTTP response codes with their description. A list will be displayed.
You can delete any response code you want.


d- Add Documentation

You can add the name of this endpoint, a summary and a description to explain the purpose behind creating it.


e- Recapitulation

In this last section you will have a summary before creating your endpoint.


2- Manage your first endpoint

a- Edit endpoint

By clicking on the Pencil Icon, you can edit your endpoint. The same Add endpoint modal will eb displayed in order to update your endpoint.


b- Delete endpoint

Within a certain tag, you can check the boxes next to the endpoints you want to delete.
The Delete Endpoint button will be activated. Once deleted, the endpoints cannot be restored.


c- Move endpoint

If you want to change the endpoint’s tag, you can simply drag it from the tag and drop it in the destination.
