Manage Datasources

To create a database you can use this command :

   grizzly create datasource [-- <args>]

Arguments :
–name : to specify the name of the datasource (required)
–type : to specify the datasource type (sql / nosql)
–provider : to specify the datasource provider (MONGO / COUCHDB / ELASTICSEACH)
–port : to specify the datasource port
–host : to specify the datasource host
–uri : to specify the Cluster uri
–bucket : to specify the bucket name for CouchBase datasources –username : to specify the datasource username –username : to specify the datasource password

Example :

   grizzly create datasource --name ProductsDB --host localhost --port 27017 

To update the name of a datasource you can use these commands :

   grizzly update datasource [-- <args>]

Arguments :
– name : to specify the name of the datasource to update
– new : to specify the new name

Example :

   grizzly update datasource  --name ProductsDB --new UsersDB

To delete a datasource you can use this command :

   grizzly delete datasource [-- <args>]

Arguments :
– name : to specify the name of the datasource to delete
Example :

   grizzly delete datasource  --name ProductsDB  

To show a specified datasource you can use this command :

   grizzly show datasource[-- <args>]

Arguments :
– name : to specify the name of the datasource to show

Example :

   grizzly show datasource --name ProductsDB