Grizzly API Documentation / Grizzly API CLI / Manage Endpoint Groups

Manage Endpoint Groups

To create an endpoint group you can use this command :

   grizzly add endpointgroup [-- <args>]

Arguments :
– microservice : to specify the name of your microservice (required)
– version : to specify the version of your microservice (optional)
– name : to specify the name of your endpoint group (required)

if you don’t specify the version, the endpoint group will be added to the latest version available.

Example :

  grizzly add endpointgroup --microservice Products --version 1.0.0 --name myFirstGroup 

To update an endpoint grou^p , we can use this command :

  grizzly update endpointgroup [-- <args>]

Arguments :
– microservice : to specify the name of your microservice (required)
– version : to specify the name of your version (required)
– name : to specify the name of your endpoint group (required)
– newname : to specify the new name of the endpoint group you want to update (optional)
– description : to specify the description of the endpoint group you want to update (optional)
Example :

  grizzly update endpointgroup --microservice Products --version 1.0.0 --name myFirstGroup  --newname SecondGroup

To delete an endpointgroup , we can use this command :

  grizzly delete endpointgroup [-- <args>]

Arguments :
– microservice : to specify the name of your microservice (required)
– version : to specify the name of your version (required)
– name : to specify the name of your endpoint group that you want to delete (required)

Example :

  grizzly delete endpointgroup --microservice Products --version 1.0.0 --name myFirstGroup