Integrate with GrizzlyAPI

Your project developed on the editor is compatible with GrizzlyAPI.

Why do we integrate?

GrizzlyAPI has a wide range of features that are not present in the GrizzlyEditor such as :

  • Add JWT security to your APIs.
  • Document your endpoints.
  • Add multipe project versions.
  • Manage your datasource.
  • Execute your endpoints.
  • Upload files.
  • Manage roles.
  • Manage teams.


Before integrating you need to create an account on GrizzlyAPI.


How to integrate?

Once done, go back to the GrizzlyEditor and click on the Integrate with GrizzlyAPI button.


You will be redirected to the Login page.


After loggin in, your project will be added to the project list with a datasource linked to it.
